Friday, February 5, 2010

NEWS - Ridgefield Press, February 5

Don't support puppy mills
Letters to the Editor

Over the past many years, my family and I have had three wonderful dogs. For each of them I researched the breed, investigated several breeders, and made home (yes, home, not breeding facility) visits. While there, I was able to not only meet the breeder, but also see the puppies and their parents, while asking tons of questions. Just as importantly, the breeder asked many questions of me, as well as requiring references and the name and number of my vet. A responsible breeder knows where her dogs are going!
Breeders who sell to pet stores neither know, no care, to whom their animals ultimately go. They're selling a product, and will continue to churn out dogs so long as there is profit in it.
Please, don't support the puppy mill industry. When considering buying a purebred pet, do your homework. Research the breeder, make the visit, and ask the questions. If a mixed breed is right for you, go to a local animal shelter and find a wonderful pet. Heaven knows there are more than enought to go around.

Linda Saks
Dogwood Drive, Feb. 5

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